
Maintainers Needed

ading2210 opened this issue · 12 comments

I've lost my motivation to work on poe-api. I want to move on to other projects, and I don't have much free time in general anymore. Also, a lot of people have been pestering me to fix this, but they never seem to be willing to actually do that work themselves.

Post a comment in this thread if you're interested in taking over the project. If nobody wants to maintain this for another month, then it'll be archived.

What problems does the project have now?

It doesn't work at all. Poe changed their API and I wasn't able to catch up.

It doesn't work at all. Poe changed their API and I wasn't able to catch up.

I'll take a look at the new API and tell you if I'm ready.

I've lost my motivation to work on poe-api. I want to move on to other projects, and I don't have much free time in general anymore. Also, a lot of people have been pestering me to fix this, but they never seem to be willing to actually do that work themselves.

Post a comment in this thread if you're interested in taking over the project. If nobody wants to maintain this for another month, then it'll be archived.

i understand that. I highly support this project. I don't wanna be owner of this btw. There may be people out there to help you. Unfortunately, I can't helo out in this as it requires knowing a language very well

It doesn't work at all. Poe changed their API and I wasn't able to catch up.

So, today I spent a whole day trying to figure out how the new api works, and realized that I was ready to lead the project further, developing its functionality and correcting errors.

Sad to hear that, but I can understand! In case I ever might have seemed pushy, I didn't mean to. I am very aware how time consuming and exhausting this can be.

In general, I think it's a good step to possibly move this to an organization which might help with maintaining it. Possibly, also the maintainers of the other Python API wrappers are willing to merge into that organization and efforts can be shared.

Being time restricted myself, and not that experienced with API reverse engineering, I can only offer some issue triaging every now and then.

I really would like to join your community and provide help. I will do the best in handling maintenance tasks of this project. I spend many hours of my day on using Poe, and your delightful project is important to me. Please contact me in this regard.

@Xpos587 I'll add you as a collaborator.

best wish

@snowby666 @canxin121 You seem to work on similar projects. Would you in be interested in joining efforts on a shared project (possibly with own namespace, then, maybe based on this code)?

@ading2210 What do you think? Would this be okay with you?

fanxyu commented


Since there's been no activity for the past month, I'm going to archive this repository.