An online SAM2018 Conference Paper Submission Management System built in Java 8 and Spark, a web microframework.
- Alanazi, Fasaiel
- Dalal, Niharika
- DiStasi, Andrew
- Pulle, Raseshwari
- Java 8
- Maven
- Clone the repository and go to the root directory.
- Execute
mvn compile exec:java
- Open in your browser
- Access the application and browse through the tabs to explore different functionality, including submitting a paper (note that a text upload is currently in place of a file upload), viewing papers, viewing papers available for review, and requesting a paper to review. Note that user accounts and paper submissions are saved when created.
- Note that you must open tabs in multiple browsers if you want to have two instances running on one computer
- Alternatively, you can access a live, hosted version of the application at ''
- Predefined User Accounts (some with submitted papers) are available to make testing easier. The following account usernames exists:
- Admin Users: 'Admin'
- PCC Users: 'PCC'
- PCM Users: 'PCM1', 'PCM2', 'PCM3', & 'PCM4'
- Submitters: 'Submitter1', 'Submitter2', 'Submitter3', 'DeniedPCM'
- The password for all above users is 'pass'
- When progressing through the Paper Review process, note that a Paper will not show as available for Review to a PCC User until all 3 PCM Reviews are created.
MIT License. See LICENSE for details.