
App Workflow

adithyaphilip opened this issue · 0 comments

First Screen

  • Login/Register [5]
  • Offline Mode [2]

[1] Manage Deck Screen

  • (Show list of decks) -> on click take to [3]
  • New Deck button at bottom (take to [3] also, but passing an empty deck)

[3] Edit Deck Screen (already exists)

[2] Main Screen

  • Manage Decks [1]
  • Local Duel [4]
  • Online Duel (when user presses this button, if he hasn't logged in, take him to [5]. Else [6])

[4] Local Duel (all me)

  • Will look same as bluetooth screen we show currently

[5] Login/Register Screen

  • If shared pref of login exists - attempt login.
  • Else show username, password, and 2 buttons - Login, Register.
  • Register will let you register with username, email, password, repeat password. Login the user on successful registration.
  • After login, go to [2]

[6] Duel Online

  • Enter username to challenge opponent.