Manage SnarkOS Node Remotely

Ansible project to manage snarkOS as a systemd service on remote servers.

Project Structure

├── inventories/
│   └── hosts
├── playbooks/
│   ├── setup.yml
│   ├── install.yml
│   ├── upgrade.yml
│   ├── start.yml
│   ├── stop.yml
│   └── logs.yml
├── roles/
│   └── snarkos/
│       ├── tasks/
│       │   ├── main.yml
│       │   ├── install_dependencies.yml
│       │   ├── configure_firewall.yml
│       │   ├── install_snarkos.yml
│       │   ├── upgrade_snarkos.yml
│       │   ├── manage_service.yml
│       ├── handlers/
│       │   └── main.yml
│       ├── vars/
│       │   └── main.yml
│       └── templates/
├── vars/
│   └── snarkos_vars.yml
├── ansible.cfg


Setup Environment

Run the setup playbook to install dependencies and configure the environment.

ansible-playbook playbooks/setup.yml

Install snarkOS

Run the install playbook to install snarkOS.

ansible-playbook playbooks/install.yml

Upgrade snarkOS

Run the upgrade playbook to upgrade snarkOS to the latest version.

ansible-playbook playbooks/upgrade.yml

Start snarkOS Service

Run the start playbook to start the snarkOS service.

ansible-playbook playbooks/start.yml

Stop snarkOS Service

Run the stop playbook to stop the snarkOS service.

ansible-playbook playbooks/stop.yml

Show Logs

Run the logs playbook to show the last 100 lines of the snarkOS log.

ansible-playbook playbooks/logs.yml

Files and Directories


File: inventories/hosts

Defines the hosts and groups of hosts upon which commands, modules, and tasks in a playbook operate.


  • setup.yml: Sets up the initial environment, installs necessary dependencies, and prepares the server.
  • install.yml: Installs snarkOS on the remote server.
  • upgrade.yml: Upgrades snarkOS to the latest version.
  • start.yml: Starts the snarkOS service.
  • stop.yml: Stops the snarkOS service.
  • logs.yml: Shows the last 100 lines of the snarkOS log.


Role: snarkos

  • tasks/main.yml: Main task file that includes other task files.
  • tasks/install_dependencies.yml: Installs required system packages and sets up the environment.
  • tasks/configure_firewall.yml: Configures firewall rules for snarkOS.
  • tasks/install_snarkos.yml: Checks out snarkOS from Git, builds it, and moves the binary to the appropriate location.
  • tasks/upgrade_snarkos.yml: Stops the snarkOS service, updates the repository, rebuilds snarkOS, and starts the service again.
  • tasks/manage_service.yml: Manages the snarkOS service (start, stop, restart).
  • handlers/main.yml: Handlers to restart snarkOS when needed.
  • vars/main.yml: Default variables for the role.


File: vars/snarkos_vars.yml

Contains variables used in the playbooks and roles.


File: ansible.cfg

Ansible configuration file to set default options.

By following this structure and using the provided playbooks, you can effectively manage the snarkOS service on remote servers. Each playbook addresses a specific task, ensuring modularity and ease of management.