
Modified Kaprekar Numbers (Python)

nazuk27 opened this issue · 2 comments

A modified Kaprekar number is a positive whole number with a special property. If you square it, then split the number into two integers and sum those integers, you have the same value you started with.
For example, if n(number)=5, d(digits)=1 then n^2=25. We split that into two strings and convert them back to integers 2 and 5. We test 2+5 = 7 but not equal to 5, so this is not a modified Kaprekar number. If n=9, still d=1, and n^2=81. This gives us 1+8=9, the original n.

Input Format:
The first line contains the lower integer limit p.
The second line contains the upper integer limit q.
Note: Your range should be inclusive of the limits.


Output Format:
Output each modified Kaprekar number in the given range, space-separated on a single line. If no modified Kaprekar numbers exist in the given range, print INVALID RANGE.

Sample Input:

Sample Output:
1 9 45 55 99

1, 9, 45, 55 and 99 are the Kaprekar Numbers in the given range.

@aditya109 Please assign this issue to me. Thanks!

Hi @nazuk27 ! Please go on ahead and raise a PR for the same, linking this issue. I am assigning this issue to you. Please consider starring the repo, if you have not already to encourage further contributions.