
Runtime error library not found

AlexanderBykin opened this issue · 1 comments


I added library into dependency and implemented startActivityForResult as in demo but in runtime i have exception
E/vndksupport: Could not load vendor/lib/egl/ from sphal namespace: dlopen failed: library "vendor/lib/egl/" not found.
Sample project working fine, don't understand why it is happens
Device: Android 8, Huawei P10

ok, found and tested a workaround:

  1. copy liveedgedetection and openCVLibrary340 into your project
  2. include them at settings.gradle, include ':liveedgedetection', ':openCVLibrary340'
  3. add dependency to liveedgedetection in your app project, implementation project(':liveedgedetection')
  4. [Optioanl] upgrade tarket SDK at copied liveedgedetection to your project SDK
  5. run