Chat Item Widget Issue
Closed this issue · 4 comments
talalmustafak commented
The chat item widget is showing errors after implementing the slide down gesture to collapse the conversation list.
The errors are
Incorrect use of Parentdatawidget.
Flexible widgets must be placed directly
inside Flex widgets.
Flexible (no depth, flex: 1, dirty has a
Flex ancestor, but there are other widgets
between them:
- Decorated Box(bg: BoxDecoration(color:
Color (Fafafa )
Expanded(flex: 11
These widgets cannot come between a
Flexible and its Flex
The ownership chain for the parent of the
offending Flexible was:
Chat qListWidget + Decorated Box
Conversation Page - RepaintBoundary
Indexed Semantics +
Notification Listener<Keep Alive Notification
adityadroid commented
inside Flex widgets.
Can you post your code?
talalmustafak commented
adityadroid commented
Update your Conversationpage.dart
class ConversationPage extends StatefulWidget {
_ConversationPageState createState() => _ConversationPageState();
class _ConversationPageState extends State<ConversationPage> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return SafeArea(
child: Scaffold(
appBar: ChatAppBar(), // Custom app bar for chat screen
body: Stack(children: <Widget>[
children: <Widget>[
adityadroid commented
Closing due to inactivity. Feel free to open it back again if the issue persists.