
Pass currency type/transaction ID through AIR SDK?

Closed this issue · 13 comments

When attempting to track revenue events for Adjust through the Adobe AIR SDK, I can't seem to find anything about how to set the currency type for the tracked event. Additionally, is there a facility for providing the transaction ID to support revenue event deduplication through the AIR SDK?

@dfranzi: Currency support will be added with SDK version 4. Until that is released you are are advised to track all revenue in a single currency of your choice.

Thanks for the update. Is there an expected timeline for v4?

Not really.

Any update on v4?

As it stands we can't use revenue data in Adjust and are having to look for alternatives.


We are updating all our non native SDKs to v4 and starting from next week, we will start working on Adobe AIR SDK v4 update.

Any update on this?

@iangeisler Few more weeks. Hopefully somewhere in 2nd half of August we're going to release update for Adobe AIR SDK.

@iangeisler I just wanted to update you that during this week we'll be finishing Adobe AIR SDK v4.0.0 and will release it next week.

Thank you @uerceg. Do we need to update the SDK in the game to have currency conversion work ?

Yes, currency conversion is supported starting from v4.0.0. Upgrade to v4.0.0 brought some smaller API changes and migration guide when migrating from previous versions can be found in here:

Also @iangeisler, take note that the revenue now it's in units, not cents. So 51 cents of a dollar revenue was tracked as Adjust.trackRevenue(51,"abc123");, it's now config.setRevenue(0.51, "USD");

@iangeisler Since we spotted one bug in released ANE which needed to be fixed ASAP, please, re-download ANE 4.0.0 again and use that one.