adlnet/xapi-profiles generates a 404

imartinezortiz opened this issue · 3 comments

Sorry if this is not the proper location to submit this issue, but I didn't found a fork of in the adlnet org to submit there.

Following the review of the xAPI profile spec as part of the P9274.2.1 WG I find out that the URI generates a 404 instead of redirecting to the xAPI profile spec for further explanation (e.g. or

Per the 5/3/2022 meeting, we would need to update an existing profile or create a base profile to home the concept. This would also be rolled in as a re-direct rule for

Per the 5/3/2022 - we would be looking for this to function similar to the voided verb - doesn't really have a profile, but should be a resolving concept.

Per the 7/19/2022 - @andyjohnson will take as an action item to get the redirect fixed and to see about establishing the w3id "profile" for the profile specification