
Error deplying using Rancher

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When I try to deploy this helm chart using Rancher I get the following error message:
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: found in Chart.yaml, but missing in charts/ directory: postgresql, redis

My Kubernetes Cluster is built using K3OS and gets managed using Rancher. I created a git repo within Rancher for the cluster with the URL

Thanks for any help,

I just managed deploying gvm-containers using Rancher:

  • took your helm chart and untarred it
  • pushed the files into my own git repo
  • configured my repo as git-repository within Rancher
  • installed App/Chart

On installing I had to add postgresqlPassword: mypassword to the values.yaml, which is shown when installing.

I would like to suggest to publish the helm chart in a format like the bundled .tgz so me and others may integrate your git-repository in our Rancher management systems.
