
Room Setup

Opened this issue · 1 comments

So, I was trying to setup Room in this project.
I created the @Entity and @Dao classes inside the speakers module, as they should be used only inside that module.
Next, I created the AppDatabase class in the app module since it requires access to all Entity and Dao classes in all modules (for example @Database(entities = [SpeakerModel::class, SessionModel::class], version = 1))

The issue is, I couldn't figure out how to access AppDatabase from different modules. Access to AppDatabase is not really required, but if anyone can figure out a way to access instances of @Dao in respective modules, that'll be of much help.

Here's what I've done so far:

It's a tricky problem to solve and there are multiple ways to solve it:

  1. Each module has it's own AppDatabase -> it's database file
    Pro: Super clean database layer
    Con: Relationship between entities in different module is not possible
  2. Create a db-module which has everything related to database and this module is implemented by all the features, this way they get access to AppDatabase.