simple app used flashcc socket throws 'terminate called after throwing an instance of 'AS3::ui::var''
oldmanlv opened this issue · 1 comments
source code comm.cpp:
include <Flash++.h>
using namespace AS3::ui;
var connectHandler(void *data, var args)
printf("connectHandler called \r\n");
return internal::_null;
int main()
flash::net::Socket socket = flash::net::Socket::_new();
//socket->addEventListener(flash::events::Event::CONNECT, Function::_new(&connectHandler, &socket));
//socket->connect("", 1935);
socket->connect("", 1935);
//socket->connect("", 1935);
return 0;
compile command:
"$(FLASCC)/usr/bin/g++" -g $(BASE_CFLAGS) comm.cpp -emit-swf -swf-version=17 -swf-size=200x200 -lFlash++ -lAS3++ -o comm.swf
I googled, but not find much information about the flascc socket, can you tell me why occurs the above error?thks a lot。
Try removing the
If that doesn't work, it might be possible that the AS3 header isn't being included (I highly doubt this due to the nature of your issue). Try adding:
#include <AS3/AS3.h>
Let me know if this doesn't work, and I'll give it a shot to see if I can reproduce.