
Add old Bulgarian letters Ѫ (U+046A, U+046B) and Ѭ (U+046C, U+046D)

Hatshepsut71 opened this issue · 2 comments

I use Source Serif Pro font on my website and on my forum too.
We use Traditional Bulgarian script (which was official in Bulgaria until 1945)
The traditional Bulgarian alphabet includes letters Ѣ, Ѫ and Ѭ
The letter Ѣ is already present in Source Serif Pro, but letters Ѫ and Ѭ aren't.

I would ask you to add these letters in the future into your cyrillic font glyphs.

P.S. Source Serif Pro already includes old cyrillic letters Ѳ (Fita) and Ѵ (Izhitsa)

Hi, thanks for the note! (Please be aware that the latest version of Source Serif is Source Serif 4).

The Cyrillic support of Source Serif is informed by the Cyrillic character sets defined here: Those At the moment, Source Serif supports AC-2, with AC-3 being the largest Cyrillic character set. I can see that Ѫ is contained in AC-3, but Ѭ is not.

Would you have any supporting information about the use of these characters (a link to your blog, for example)? If Ѭ is an obvious omission, it could of course be added to AC-3 (and therefore end up in Source Serif once the character set is extended to that end).

Yes, the link to my blog:
The font files used in my site are "SourceSerif4Variable-Italic.ttf.woff2" and "SourceSerif4Variable-Roman.ttf.woff2", maybe font version is 4
Link to my forum:
where old Bulgarian script is used in all category and board names and their descriptions, and in some topic names.
But I switched my forum to another font - "Lora", that contains both letters Ѣ and Ѫ. The letter Ѭ is not included in the Lora font too.
This letter Ѭ was used in Bulgaria until 1899, now is very rare to find it in old texts and quotes only. This letter can be fully replaced by digraph ЙѪ

The missing letters in my blog are loaded by "Times New Roman" font, and in my forum from "Palatino Linotype" font.