
Content Fragment Editor - Personalization RTE Plugin does not work + Javascript errors

priyankpardiwala opened this issue · 3 comments

I created a new Content Fragment using the standard content fragment template.

Content Fragment editor loads with Javascript errors (please see screenshots below). Also - nothing appears when I click on the Personalization RTE Plugin.


Hi @priyankpardiwala,
We had a look into the issue you mentioned, could you kindly confirm if the folder properties has correct Adobe Campaign Configuration (Please see attached screenshot)
Screenshot 2022-06-16 101739

Hi @noorradi ,
My bad. I forgot to add Cloud Configuration to the folder. Now, the Personalization Plugin is working as expected, but I am seeing the Javascript errors for all content fragments.

Hello @priyankpardiwala,
Glad the RTE issue is fixed, as for the JS errors I can't seem to replicate those on the page.
Please let me know if there is any component added to the page or any step I might be missing.
Kind Regards,