
Segmentation Component - Ability to Clone a Segment when adding more segmented content to a page

priyankpardiwala opened this issue · 3 comments

Can segmentation component have a similar capability as native Targeting where the contents of a segment (say default segment) gets copied over every time author adds a new segment?

With the current Segmentation component (based on Tabs component), when we add segments, it adds a new tab with a component of our choice but there is no option to clone the contents of a previously added tab. This means that - even though author wants to do minor tweaks to the content based on the Segment, they have to re-author all the components.

It would be really beneficial for the authors if Segmentation Component can be extended to provide this capability.

Internal reference SITES-7910

Maybe one option would be to enhance the childreneditor for panels with a cop'n paste option. TBD with product management.


The PR in #233 will add a new clone button to the Segment Editor
