
window.prompt() doesn't work

peterflynn opened this issue · 5 comments


  1. Open the developer tools console
  2. Type window.prompt("Foo")

No UI shown. Console prints null.

A native popup containing a text input appears. When dialog is Ok'ed, console prints whatever was typed in the dialog's input.

It's a little surprising that alert() works but this doesn't. It works fine in normal Chrome.

We don't have any direct need for this, but it's something we -- and plugin authors -- might want to do when mocking up something quickly. It will be surprising to devs that this doesn't work.

This is a known CEF limitation on mac. See the comments in this bug for a list of unimplemented mac features:

Fwiw, the prompt() issue repros on Windows too (although confirm() works fine, which is the other thing that the CEF bug says doesn't work on Mac).

njx commented

Marking to user story.

Added to Trello, keep issue open until team decided on tool.

In the IceBox