
Console error while using Product List in Archetype 24 Project on AEMaaCs SDK.

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Getting below error while using Product List commerce OOTB component.

QUERY should basically resolve on below mentioned resolver only, right ?

@cjelger - I have updated the schema to 2.4.0 that got updated 3-4 days back. Still can see errors and compatibility issue.

@herzog31 @mhaack @cjelger - I am using the reference 3rd Party Adobe IO endpoint(Schema v2.4.0) but when I pass it through proxy and see the output it shows incompatibility issue. But this used to load with the previous schema i.e v2.3.5

Actually I checked again and yes you're right, the categories field is not implemented in the 2.4.0 version of the integration so that's why you are having this problem. The problem is that this example 3rd-party integration is really just an example and does not implement all the CIF features and this is now missing. I'll discuss with the team to decide how we will fix that.

Thanks @cjelger for the response.
Actually we are trying to build the 3rd party integration using your reference Schema and Node APIs.

The code here is really just an example, it does not implement and support all CIF features. You see this here:

We don't support anything more, no cart, checkout, etc, it's really just a starting point for real integrations.

Got it @cjelger, We have modified the Loaders JS, Catalog JS and other JS files to get the products and category data other than Magento by using AdobeIO and we are able to get the products and categories in AEM.
I understand, we need to modify the reference project to build our own 3rd party integrations.

@cjelger - Do we have anything coming up for cart, checkout etc in coming releases for this 3rd party implementation ?

No, we will not further develop the example integration.

@cjelger - Thanks for the info.
So the user should go ahead and implement the createCustomer and other functionalities from this schema to further use other CIF features ?