
@spectrum-icons/workflow dependency is missing

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If you chose the react app with aio app init, when you try to build the app you will face the issue: Error: Cannot find module '@spectrum-icons/workflow'

This seems to be because an icon from that package is imported here

import Function from '@spectrum-icons/workflow/Function'

but the dependency @spectrum-icons/workflow is never defined see

utils.addDependencies(this, {
'core-js': '^3.6.4',
react: '^16.13.1',
'react-dom': '^16.13.1',
'react-router-dom': '^5.2.0',
'react-error-boundary': '^1.2.5',
'regenerator-runtime': '^0.13.5',
'@adobe/exc-app': '^0.2.21',
'@adobe/react-spectrum': '^3.4.0'

See for more info about spectrum workflow icons.

Here's the PR #114

Thanks for this contribution @icaraps !
@rajarju @purplecabbage could you have a look at PR #114 ?