
Edge Delivery services experience success as a service automation: SpaceCat + Star Catalogue

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

SpaceCat API Service

Provides an HTTP API to interact with SpaceCat data




$ npm install @adobe/spacecat-api-service


See the API documentation.


To set up local development for spacecat-api-service, follow these steps:

  1. Create an .env file in your project root and define the following environment variables with your AWS credentials:
  1. Start the development server
npm start


$ npm install


$ npm test


$ npm run lint

Message Body Formats

Spacecat-api-service queues audit jobs to AUDIT_JOBS_QUEUE to be processed later on.

Output message body format sent to AUDIT_JOBS_QUEUE is:

  "type": "string",
  "url": "string",
  "auditContext": "object|optional"

Currently, only slackContext property exist in the auditContext:

  "slackContext": {
    "channel": "string",
    "thread_ts": "string|optional"

Required ENV Variables

Currently, audit worker requires two env variables:

AUDIT_JOBS_QUEUE_URL=url of the queue to send audit jobs to
AUDIT_REPORT_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID=slack channel id to send the audit reports to
RUM_DOMAIN_KEY=global domain key for the rum api
SLACK_BOT_TOKEN=slack bot's token,

Fulfillment worker requires the following env variable:

FULFILLMENT_EVENTS_QUEUE_URL=url of the queue to send fulfillment events to

Organizations controller requires the following env variable:

SLACK_URL_WORKSPACE_EXTERNAL=url of the external Slack workspace, used to generate the Slack channel url

Slack controller requires the following env variables:

IMS_CLIENT_ID=client id for the IMS API
IMS_HOST=host for the IMS API
IMS_CLIENT_CODE=client code for the IMS API
IMS_CLIENT_SECRET=client secret for the IMS API

SLACK_TOKEN_WORKSPACE_EXTERNAL_ELEVATED=Slack token for the external workspace, elevated permissions
SLACK_OPS_CHANNEL_WORKSPACE_EXTERNAL=channel ID to use for operations messages in the external workspace

Import controller requires the following env variables:

IMPORT_CONFIGURATION=JSON document which includes the following configuration properties:
  - allowedApiKeys: array of allowed API keys, used to authenticate import requests
  - queues: array of queue names to use for import jobs. If a queue name is removed from this array, it will no longer be available for new import jobs
  - queueUrlPrefix: prefix for import queue URLs (eg. https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/1234567890/), used to create the complete queue URL for import jobs
  - s3Bucket: the S3 bucket to store import job artifacts