
session put data issue

Sunedge opened this issue · 4 comments


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Sample Code (to reproduce the issue)

putting data in session impossible. I checked it's not big data.
Not giving any error.
Could you help me, please?
session.put('user-data', authResponse.body);
session.put('user-data2', "12345");//for this one not working

BONUS (a sample repo to reproduce the issue)

putting data in session impossible. I checked it's not big data.
Not giving any error.
Could you help me, please?
session.put('user-data', authResponse.body);
session.put('user-data2', "12345");//for this one not working

Hello @thetutlage,
Could you help me, please?

Hey @Sunedge! 👋

Could you please be more descriptive of what you are trying to do, what happen and what you expect to happen.

Also, a repository to reproduce your issue would be great.

Hi @RomainLanz,
I want to put variables into session.
session.put('user-data', authResponse.body);
My data's size is 400 bytes. If user-data size increased it not working and not login.
The Problem is size of session (user-data).
If it's possible increase size session, how can I do it?
Please look at session.put('user-data', authResponse.body); line
Best regards.
//It's my code bellow
'use strict'

const Env = use('Env');

class AuthController {

async login({view,request,response,session,antl}) {
if (request.method() == "POST") {
try {
const username = request.input('username');
const password = request.input('password');

      const loginClient = use('sync-rest-client');
      const authResponse = await'SAAS_SERVER_URL') + '/auth/login', {
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
        payload: "username=" + username + "&password=" + password
        session.put('user-data', authResponse.body);

        const restClient = use('sync-rest-client');
        const menuDataResp = await
'SAAS_SERVER_URL') + '/users/profile/menuDataByUserPermission', {
            headers: {
              'Content-Type': 'application/json',
              'Accept': 'application/json',
              'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + (session.get('user-data') ? session.get('user-data').access_token : '')


      } else if(authResponse.statusCode==401) {
        return view.render("user.login",{errors:antl.formatMessage('errors.auth_error')})
      } else if(authResponse.statusCode==500) {
        return view.render("user.login",{errors:antl.formatMessage('errors.auth_error_server')})
    } catch (e) {
      return view.render("user.login",{errors:antl.formatMessage('errors.auth_error_server')})
  } else {
    return view.render('user.login', {errors: null})


async logout({response,session}) {
return response.redirect('/login');

module.exports = AuthController