manualSetup in beforeEach hook error on rest adapter ajax method.
arenoir opened this issue · 5 comments
I am working on upgrading my application from ember 2.18 lts to 3.4 lts.
It appears that the manualSetup hook is failing to setup the store.
I am receiving the following error on the ember-data rest adapter:
rest.js:893 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'ajax' of undefined
at Class._ajaxRequest (rest.js:893)
Any help is greatly appreciated.
ember-cli ~3.4
ember-source: ~3.4
ember-data: ~3.4
ember-data-factory-guy tried both [~3.3, ~3.4]
are you on
"ember-ajax": "^3.1.2",
hard to fix this kind of thing because i am on 3.4 everything ( same as you are ) and it all works fine .. meaning the issue is one of your other packages ( like ember-ajax would be obvious first guess ) but there might be others that need updating ?? not sure
but you might not have jquery install either .. cause the $.ajax is from jquery
Hey thanks for getting back to me. I am not sure what is going on but it is definitely not importing jquery. I used the ember-cli-upgrade tool and it updated my ember-ajax to the correct version. I am in a clean node 10 environment using nvm. I have overridden the adapter to test and it is not importing jquery. So it must be an environment issue.
# app/adapters/application.js
import $ from 'jquery';
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
_ajaxRequest(options) {
return $.ajax(options);
#console prints
application.js:16 wtf
application.js:17 undefined
import {
} from 'ember-data-factory-guy';
module('Unit | Model | address', function(hooks) {
hooks.beforeEach(function(assert) {
//throw new Error('halt');
test('creating a new address that returns an existing record works', function(assert) {
let attrs = {
id: 10,
lineOne: 'some line one',
city: 'Oakland',
state: 'Ca',
zip: '94609'
mockCreate('address').returns({attrs: attrs});
that is not a factory guy issue .. so i wonder how I can help?
Thanks @danielspaniel I guess I missed it but I had to install ember-jquery and enable optional features.
ember install @ember/jquery
ember install @ember/optional-features
ember feature:enable jquery-integration
Thanks @danielspaniel I guess I missed it but I had to install ember-jquery and enable optional features.
ember install @ember/jquery
ember install @ember/optional-features
ember feature:enable jquery-integration
Thanks a lot )