
ES6 @keyResponder decorator fails with parameters

toovy opened this issue · 2 comments

toovy commented


I'm having issues with a fresh 3.20.0 project. Using the @keyResponder decorator without parameters works, e.g.

export default class Test extends Component {

Making a simple change like adding the parenthesis, or event adding the priority option leads to an error:

export default class Test extends Component {
TypeError: Class extends value undefined is not a constructor or null

There seems to be a difference on how the class decorator is called. When no parenthesis or options are added the call to the decorator declared in sets the first parameter to the DecoratedClass.

But when adding parenthesis or event options like { priority: 1 } the first parameter is not the decorated class any more, but the options, thus fails as DecoratedClass is the object { priority: 1 }.

Maybe the way babel transpiles the decorators has changed. This might be the reason why older projects don't have an issue.

I experimented a little bit with the code and came up with a solution that might work for both scenarios. I'm doubting this is backwards compatible. Having little experience with decorators I would like to discuss this change before creating a pull request.

export default function keyResponder(opts = {}) {

  const createClass = function(DecoratedClass) {
    if (opts.priority === undefined) {
      opts.priority = 0;
    if (opts.activated === undefined) {
      opts.activated = true;

    return class ClassAsKeyResponder extends DecoratedClass {
      static name = `${}WithKeyResponder`;
      @service keyboard;
      get keyboardPriority() {
        if (super.keyboardPriority === undefined) {
          return opts.priority;
        return super.keyboardPriority;
      set keyboardPriority(val) {
        super.keyboardPriority = val;
      get keyboardActivated() {
        if (super.keyboardActivated === undefined) {
          return opts.activated;
        return super.keyboardActivated;
      set keyboardActivated(val) {
        super.keyboardActivated = val;
      constructor() {
      willDestroy() {

  if (typeof opts === "function") {
    return createClass(opts)
  } else {
    return function(DecoratedClass) {
      return createClass(DecoratedClass)


Any thoughts?

BR Tobias

Also found this bug today, would you mind transforming that fix into a PR? Thank in advance!

I'd be happy to review a PR and fast-track a patch release. We will need to make sure that a) we have tests for both variations, and b) tests are running in CI under Ember 3.20.x.