
Multiple deprecations

fpauser opened this issue · 1 comments

Multiple deprecations popping up when using ember-keyboard:

DEPRECATION: When calling `deprecate` you must provide `for` in options. Missing options.for in "ember-keyboard.first-responder-inputs" deprecation [deprecation id: ember-source.deprecation-without-for]
DEPRECATION: When calling `deprecate` you must provide `since` in options. Missing options.since in "ember-keyboard.first-responder-inputs" deprecation [deprecation id: ember-source.deprecation-without-since]
deprecate.js:136 DEPRECATION: The `ember-keyboard-first-responder-inputs` initializer is deprecated and will be removed in 7.0. Please use the `on-key` modifier with your text fields instead. [deprecation id: ember-keyboard.first-responder-inputs]


$ ember -v
ember-cli: 3.24.0
node: 12.18.2
os: linux x64