
Imports components removed in Ember Beta and Canary

gilest opened this issue · 6 comments

In ember-keyboard-first-responder-inputs.js:

import TextArea from '@ember/component/text-area';
import TextField from '@ember/component/text-field';

Looks like these components were removed from ember-source in this commit.

I'm not sure what the best approach is. Could perhaps use ember-compatability-helpers to exclude the initializer from builds in ember gte 4.0.

This will fail test builds even when the initializer is disabled in the dummy app. Eg: ember-file upload builds

@gilest see my comment in #489.

TL;DR there does not seem simple option to make it work with Ember v4.

Thank you @SergeAstapov – I can specifically include that package in dev builds internally (addon I'm working on has dropped node 10). Godspeed with v7.

Edit: no I can't – they import from a different path

@gilest just had an idea: we may have v7.beta-0 including dropping support for Node.js 10 and #489 or #461.

Then we could upgrade ember-cli-addon-docs to use ember-keyboard@v7.beta-0. This will make CI happy for addons using ember-cli-addon-docs in their devDependencies.

@SergeAstapov That's true and addon authors could pin the beta right away anyway. See my scuffed fix in adopted-ember-addons/ember-file-upload#603 😅

@gilest we could make a new release of ember-cli-addon-docs with ember-keyboard@v7.beta-0 so addons could enjoy green CI again

@SergeAstapov That would certainly be helpful :)