
Timezone doesn't apply

mikeelemuel opened this issue · 3 comments


"ember-cli": "2.6.2",
"ember-moment": "4.1.0",

My template.hbs has a code below but doesn't show the correct date based on the timeZone defined on addon

    {{moment-format model.createdAt "MMM DD, YYYY · LT" timeZone="Singapore"}}

on my config/environment.js I also included the code below

        moment: {
          includeTimezone: 'all'

Any response is much appreciated, thank you

@mikeelemuel if you manually create a new moment object in the console does it have the tz method defined?

we found that all did not work. tried ranges, no luck, The only thing we got to work or at least not error was below

'moment': {
      // Options:
      // 'all' - all years, all timezones
      // 'subset' - modern time zones
      // 'none' - no data, just timezone API
      includeTimezone: 'subset'

I thought I would look in the code and see what was really happening but cant find it. Where in the code is this config item even being referenced?

Also the ember-try seems really out of date. I looked because the commits said there was an update of a dependency ember-awesome-macros which states it only supports 3.8 + was trying to figure out what this addon actually supports.