
Global State

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Hey ado,
just occured to me so I wanted to ask - does it make sense to build something like a GlobalState?

It can be based on IParameter. Components would somehow subscribe to it and invalidate themselves if there is a change.
Or am I unintentionally describing ReactorData or some other common concept?

Absolutely! It makes sense, I usually have a GlobalState class that contains app-wide state values that I then inject as a parameter in my components (and yes components are invalidated automatically when it changes).

ReactorData is another package designed over SwiftData that may be useful to handle more advanced scenarios like:

  1. cache data received from remote services
  2. add off-line support to an app
  3. use ef core to store data locally and sync back to the server

Absolutely! It makes sense, I usually have a GlobalState class that contains app-wide state values that I then inject as a parameter in my components (and yes components are invalidated automatically when it changes).

Would you mind showing me a sample?
Since GetOrCreateParameter() is under Component, I probably can't use IParameter in a static class for GlobalState

public static partial class GlobalState
    static IParameter<MyType> MyParam;

Also this would generate a non-static constructor, which should piss the compiler off.

A workaround would probably be storing the data as GlobalState properties and maybe trying to set Parameters in sets? Sounds pretty clunky, but even if that was the case, how do I get a Parameter reference outside of a Component anyway?

Uff, a bit confused I suppose.

Eventually what I'm trying to do is to centralize my data since I need to pull from my Api when my app starts. All the service methods are async, and don't really play well with OnMounted() - it leads to situations where my app launches, UI thread isn't blocked.

Sorry, I'm more of a backend person so - maybe I should just embrace async voids and just handle data being null for a bit. Put "loading..."s to everywhere. If I get to solve centeralization with Parameters, at least I get to invalidate relevant parts without pub-sub'ing to WeakReferenceMessengers everywhere.

Using a parameter is pretty easy, just create a class containing your state and inject it into your components using the [Param] attribute.

Have you looked at the documentation:

KeeMind sample (Global state class passed as parameter):

Trackizer app (User class passed over as parameter):

Yep, I mean to have parameters in a static centeralized GlobalState as well so I can set them. Getting them in a component is fairly straightforward.


// GlobalState.cs
public static partial class GlobalState
     static IParameter<MyData> MyParam; // Can't do this since this is not a Component
     public static async Task RefreshData()
         MyParam.Set(_ => _.Value = someObject); // Obviously can't do this too

// SomeComponent.cs
partial class SomeComponent : Component<SomeState>
    // Get and do stuff with MyParam
    IParameter<MyData> MyParam;

Isn't this what you meant initially as well?

ok I'm, not sure what you're trying to achieve but in MauiReactor you should create a class holding the state (global or component state) that should not contain methods.
From what I understand you're mixing different behaviors that should be split up into different classes:

Something like:

interface IApiService 
   Task<DataModel> LoadDataFromServer();

class MyGlobalState
   public DataModel? MyData {get;set;}

class MyComponent
   IParameter<MyGlobalState> _globalState;
   IApiService _myService;

   override OnMounted()

   public override Render()
      return ContentPage(...render _globalState.Value );
   async Task LoadDataFromServer()
     var dataLoaded = await _myService.LoadDataFromServer();
     _globalState.Set(_ => _.MyData = dataLoaded);


I was imagining a static class with all application-wide data as parameters, and components would reference them too, and work like an implicit pub-sub model:

static class GlobalState
    IParameter<User> User;
    IParameter<List<Report>> Reports;
    IParameter<SomeData> Data;

Then we could set them (not necessarily on GlobalState, maybe in services):

class UserService
    public async Task GetUser()
        // ...
        GlobalState.User.Set(_ => _.Value = user);

And components referencing this parameter would be updated:

class UserComponent : Component
    IParameter<User> User;

    public override VisualNode Render()
        // Do something with GlobalState.User

Hope that made some sense.
But I liked your sample as well, not centeralized as I put it, but it manages to communicate component to component, probably should result similarly.

I see, probably you could then be interested in state managers ala Flux, like Fluxor

This is a POC integration for MauiReactor

you could easily create a Component derived class that invalidates the component when the global state changes and derive your components from it.

Thanks a lot man!
Probably off-topic for this repository but, based on this in ReactorData's readme:

Without storage, ReactorData is more or less a state manager, keeping all the entities in memory.

Do you have plans for ReactorData to work like this?

Using ReactorData just as a global state manager is not advisable because ReactorData container is designed to maintain lists of models (IQuery) and notify subscribers when a new record is added/edited or removed from these lists.

I'm working on a new sample application that shows how to use MauiReactor+ReactorData to fetch and cache data locally.

I don't know the general context of your app but maybe that sample code could help in your case too.