Question: Is the admin section done in Nuxt?
connecteev opened this issue · 2 comments
connecteev commented
@adr1enbe4udou1n just discovered your repo.
I understand that the frontend is in Nuxt.
Is the admin section here built in Laravel, or is it using Nuxt over Laravel APIs? If it's the latter (Nuxt over Laravel APIs) then I will spend some time installing and trying this out.
adr1enbe4udou1n commented
The logo was indeed confusing, i just change it by coreui.
The admin UI section is 100% custom Vue SPA app integrated inside Laravel resources.
Nuxt is only useful at frontend site for SEO / SSR.
connecteev commented
I see..thanks!
if coreUI is in vue, then it's still interesting....components could be ported to nuxt. I've been looking for a nuxt+laravel cms and not found one.