
Spigo not recognized as as internal or external command

kashivenkatesh opened this issue · 0 comments

Help needed for issue "Spigo not recognized as as internal or external command"

Was trying to install spigo on windows machine. I was successful till execution of "npm run dev" command, but unable to run 'spigo -a foo' command as i am getting the error: "Spigo not recognized as as internal or external command". Could you please let me know if i have missed out any steps and request you to advise me on next steps.

Steps successful till now:
Downloaded latest version of sipgo and node js.
Extracted Spigo-master in C drive.
Executed the following commands
$ cd ui
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
and server is successfully running on designated port

The Issue
I have composed a arch.json file and placed it in json_arch folder.
Navigated to spigo extract location ..\spigo-master in cmd.
Now, when i use 'spigo -a foo' i am seeing the following error in cmd "Spigo not recognized as as internal or external command"

Actually, any of the spigo - commands are throwing the same error.

Find attaced, snap shot of the error

Below is my cmd on running npm install