Demo not working
rucksman opened this issue · 3 comments
I just discovered your project. Unfortunately I can't get it to work.
What I did:
- Cloned yor repo to my webserver
- Copied one of my fit-files (Garmin Edge 530) to the webserver
- Renamed this fit-file to
When I go to demo/mountain-biking.php, there is nothing to see in "Flot Charts". In Google Map there is only an error message concerning Google Geocoding API and Google Time Zone API.
When I go to demo/mountain-biking-leaflet.php, there is nothing to see in Flot Charts and Leaflet Map.
What am I missing here?
On top of the page the device is not recognized ("Garmin unknown"), the other information like Duration and Distance seems to be correct).
OK, in demo/mountain-biking-leaflet.php the problem is due to an error around line 215. In developer tools in the browser I get this error message:
SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<'
And after inspecting the source code of the page, I see:
var heart_rate = {
'color': 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8)',
'data': [
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>/path/to/demo/mountain-biking-leaflet.php</b> on line <b>220</b><br />
$.plot('#speed', [speed], speed_options);
$.plot('#heart_rate', [heart_rate], heart_rate_options);
After commenting out the php part in the variable heart_rate, everything works fine. I have to say that during the trip which reflects the fit file, I dod not use a heart rate monitor. But why does this make such problems?
Hi! Yes, the project is really quite old and no longer maintained.
The API issue is likely because the Google APIs now require a key as part of the request or Google has changed something else that broke things.
The demo file has heart rate, which is why the demo tries to draw a chart with data regardless of whether there is HR data or not. You could probably use an empty()
on the relevant array to better handle drawing/not drawing of charts depending what’s in the FIT file. It’s not intended to be a complete work solution, just a quick demo 👍
Thanks for answering! Yes, the map problem is surely about Google requiring a valid API key, so this not really an issue. I will try to tweak the demo files so that it does only draw graphs for data which is actually present. Anyway, thanks for this project!