
netlify deploy problem

Opened this issue · 3 comments

if i switch to around you tab, it won't return any data, but in localhost it works smoothly.


if i try to refresh the page it gives me 404 error.


Top Artists and Top Charts tab works fine but refreshing these page will lead to 404 error, every subpath returns this 404 error.


Create a folder called "public" in the route of your app. Like so


then create a file "_redirects" with no extensions inside "public".
In that file put the following exactly as it is:

/* /index.html 200

Save. Build and deploy. Let me know if this worked for you.

yeah, it worked. Thanks dude.. 😇
also the api in 'around you' tab is not returning any data but it's working perfectly fine in localhost, if u also faced this problem then plz let me know how you resolved this issue.

Hi there! Same issue here with Around You. Anyone found any solutions?