- 2
- 0
Option to handle translated strings as HTML
#135 opened by alexdarling - 3
Support for Bootstrap 5
#134 opened by mkurz - 1
- 1
Cannnot select default option in select input
#132 opened by cyrus07424 - 1
Checkbox error text is always hidden
#127 opened by aljchristensen - 1
classes on not added correctly
#130 opened by martinhansen - 12
- 23
Play 2.7 support (and cross build for Scala 2.13.0-M5)
#115 opened by mkurz - 2
Unsure on how to use, getting errors
#110 opened by DylFeeney - 9
Messages are translated twice
#122 opened by mvdstam - 4
Display invalid-feedback
#118 opened by Ard4nis - 1
Make my own radio button?
#108 opened by bharal - 3
- 1
- 8
Release 1.4
#111 opened by phamtrinli - 4
Combining @multifield and @repeat
#116 opened by woyzeck - 1
- 1
checkbox readonly render as hidden input field
#106 opened by stellalie - 1
Install / Usage instructions
#109 opened by cybex-dev - 20
bootstrap 4
#99 opened by Enalmada - 2
fooForm in all the examples
#107 opened by bharal - 1
Wrong reference
#102 opened by nandotorterolo - 1
- 4
- 4
Multifield documentation goes to a dead page
#98 opened by jducoeur - 3
Play 2.6 for scala 2.11
#93 opened by nafg - 11
- 5
Play 2.6 with Webjars and play-bootstrap
#92 opened by ernani - 4
- 7
b3.hidden should also take field
#86 opened by mkurz - 2
Support Play 2.6.0-M1 and Scala 2.12
#78 opened by mslinn - 0
- 6
Support for ValidationError
#79 opened by florianschneider - 14
twirl.forwardsRouter no such method error
#83 opened by ASchmidt84 - 4
Can't represent null option in select
#81 opened by florianschneider - 1
- 2
table input
#76 opened by mohitjaggi - 3
module not found: which resolver should i use?
#75 opened by mohitjaggi - 8
V4 alpha 5 - Help Block
#74 opened by dmbuchta - 2
1.1-P25-B3 with Java: "could not find implicit value for parameter messages: play.api.i18n.Messages"
#73 opened by Batusay2kX - 1
Glyphicons and @import
#71 opened by djahnsag - 7
1.1-P24-B3 for Java - could you update the example datepicker, multicheckbox, and textwithcheckbox code?
#67 opened by sdk451 - 2
Resolve messages by default for certain arguments
#64 opened by mkurz - 2
Using form validation from server and has-success
#63 opened by Selsynn - 6
Compilation error: not found: value b3
#60 opened by sallareznov - 1
- 1
Force checkbox to be unchecked.
#61 opened by robertellam - 1
Selected attribute with invalid values
#59 opened by adis-me - 4
Multi checkbox with value from Form
#58 opened by Selsynn