
conf/routes no longer exists

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conf/routes is referenced a couple of places in the ReadMe but does not exist. Examples:

 └ conf
   └ root-dev.conf
   └ routes
conf/routes (used when whole project is running): routes file for the whole project. It simply imports the routes file of every subproject.

Learning how to split the routes file in the transition from Play 2.3 to 2.4 is exactly why I'm here, so it's relevant (to me!).

That said, I just discovered the VirtualHostRequestHandler class and I'm pretty sure that's going to get me going towards a solution. Thanks for the example!

Hi @bwbecker. You're right. These references to that file are old, because now VirtualHostRequestHandler is in charge of delegate to each modules/[subproject]/conf/[subproject].routes.

Wow! Thanks for the super-speedy confirmation of my hunch.

And it's now fixed! 😄