
Road Map

Opened this issue · 4 comments

What a are the main challenges (please edit)?

  • calling fastFM lib
  • designing the rfastFM interface
  • documentation

Does it make sense to start with fastFM-core (C) now and switch to the C++ version later?
The C++ interface if much nicer but it will take me > 3 weeks to give to a limited dev version.

The main challenge is certainly the design.
Calling C/C++ code is not a problem in R. See the excellent book from H. Whickham for an introduction:
I think of adapting the python interface to R idioms.
The documentation can also be adapted from the python one using roxygen.

I think it's ok to start interfacing with the C code and switch later to the C++. Meanwhile we can progress on the design of the rfastFM interface, which should not change much when we make the switch.

For the documentation website, we can use the excellent pkgdown package. And use R markdown vignettes for Tutorials and Guide.

Sounds good to me.
Just ping me I you need something. I'll concentrate on the c++ rewrite for now.
