
week 05 - day 04 - Stay in and watch TV - group project

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Stay in and watch TV

This weekend, you will pair up in groups of 2 to create a "TV guide" website. This will use an API, and few pages to display what is currently showing.


  • Work with an API to display data
  • Work with React and React Router
  • Work in groups to create a project together


  • Use this API
    • You will have to create an account to get a key, Feel free to use the address and phone number of campus to sign up with
  • Work in groups of 2, these must be decided by the "with me at 3"
  • Each group will be working on one repository, decide in each group who's account it goes under
  • Use React Router to create the pages.

Explorer Mode

  • Create a home page that has:
    • the list of all "Top-Rated" TV shows, returned from this API<<api_key>>&language=en-US&page=1
    • this page should also highlight a random "Top-Rated" TV show at the top of the page
  • Create a /tv/:showId page that shows all the details for a given show and the cast of the show. The cast and crew endpoint is{tv_id}/credits?api_key=<<api_key>>&language=en-US
  • Each member of the group must still submit the repository for their assignment. This repository should have commits from both students. I will be checking the commit history.

Adventure Mode

  • Add a page to view all the TV shows for a cast member. This page should show as much as you get from the API about this actor. HINT: Use the People section of the API for this
  • Allow the user to add a rating for the TV show.

Epic Mode

  • Do the same thing, except with Movies. Try to reuse as many components as possible

Recommended Practice:

  • Plan early and communicate! The most successful teams work together to create a plan of attack and communicate what is going on
  • Wireframe out the pages first, that way each member of the group knows the end goal. After you agree on the wireframes, Stick to the wireframes.
  • Work in branches or forks. This will help when you need to merge everything together
  • Like making a git commit, merging & pulling should happen frequently. Do not wait until Monday night to try to merge everything together