
week 01 - day 03 - flexing your flexbox - working with flexbox

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Now that we have learned the power of flexbox we will apply it to the sites we are building. We'll also go back to a past assignment and see how flexbox would simplify our HTML and CSS.


  • Build on your knowledge of HTML & CSS
  • Use flexbox techniques layout pages.
  • Implement, from scratch, a given design
  • Understand HTML/CSS Layout
  • Be able to place elements on a page where you want them.


  • You should strive to implement the design as close as possible, though, especially if you've never touch HTML or CSS before, this can be extraordinarily difficult, and will take a lot of practice and mileage.

  • Note: You should complete at least the tasks given for explorer mode as listed below before turning in the assignment, as well as before attempting adventure or epic modes.

Explorer Mode

  • Revisit your Expanding Your World assignment and redo your CSS using flexbox where appropriate. Add, commit, and push those changes to your existing repository.
  • Recreate the page 'The Daily Kitteh' using flexbox as closely as you possibly can. Use the same fonts, sizes, and colors. Download some of your favorite
    • daily kitteh

Adventure Mode

  • Recreate the page `Flebox Article Layout' as closely as possible.
    • flexbox article layout

Epic Mode

  • Recreate the page Skeleton Layout example as closely as possible.
    • skeleton layout

Additional Resources

Recommended Practice: //this is the recreated kitten page //the revisited "Expanding Your World" to include flexbox!

Your homework week 01 - day 03 - flexing your flexbox - working with flexbox was marked: Meets Expectations

Well done!

“Well done!”
— via Gavin Stark