
rule about link_type of full text sources

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I want to make service like

how can i know what kind of full text source is available?
i can't find specific rule about link_type.{doc.bibcode}&link_type={link_type}

Is there any relationship between link type and property field?
or should I find other field?

Currently, I'm working on my project using property field but something goes wrong

for example

doen't show Publisher Article source
but i can access to
and it have 'ARTICLE' value in property field

it have 'NONARTICLE' value in property field
but it show Publisher Article.

The information about the kinds of links available for an article is found in the "link_data" field of the document returned by a query. For the document in question, you can obtain this by querying the API with something such as this:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $ADS_DEV_KEY" ',links_data'

The links_data json structure shows the availability of a link of type "preprint" (which is the arXiv link) and one of type "electr" (which is the publisher article).

"links_data" field isn't described in
please add that information to

links_data is not a searchable field, so you can't query against it. It is there to simply carry information useful for linking out via the ADS link resolver. A complete list of fields/operators is available here:

I didn't know that list exist ;(
so i thought fields in are every thing

could you add link for available fields list? (like doctype)
for beginner like me.

like this.


Fields list: specify the fields contained in each returned document. Value should be a comma-separated list of field names. (see here for a list of fields)

Fixed in 3c6a6ca