
Show title from xkcd comics

jorgelamb opened this issue · 5 comments

XKCD comics always have some title with some extra joke or detail. It would be nice to have them in relevant-xkcd too, without having to go to xkcd itself.

adtac commented

I know, but I couldn't get the metadata from ExplainXKCD reliably. I think I'll simply scrap the title from each XKCD page (sorry Randall, you're about to get 1800 visits from a bot :P)

adtac commented

Those links are great but neither's complete (the max is ~#700). But the script at seems to be useful.

Nice! 👍

There are small issues with quotes in the title, as they break the html and the title is cut. For example, looking for "tables" the first one shown is and the title is cut.
