request can not be routedd correctly
dreamshit opened this issue · 1 comments
hello, I am from china, I am glad to meet the qbit. it is really fast so that I use it in my project.
But I encounter some problems.
the business need a short link, like:
path: http://aaa/{bb}/{cc}
method: get
so I start server with rootUri("/")
class RequestMapping("/") or RequestMapping("/{bb}")
method RequestMapping(value = "/{cc}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
it works
but now I need other GET-method-link. these GET-path will be routed into the first class sometimes.
I read the source of qbit, CallType.ADDRESS_WITH_PATH_PARAMS was put int to treeMap, and use treeMap.lowerEntry when handle the request .
so I change other GET-method-link , put the method into the first class
it works,
but I read more the source of qbit, I found some code
line: 129
final String requestPath =
StringScanner.substringBefore(requestMeta.getRequestURI(), "{");
int count = Str.split(servicePath + requestURI, '/').length - 1;
map.put(count, metaData);
it means if I add GET-link int the first class like RequestMapping("/ddd/{eee}"), because my first short link, if {bbb} lower than ddd ,it will be routed to my first method, others will be right routed into my new method.
so I change ddd to {ddd}: /{ddd}/{eee}, now treeMap has one key "/", it will be routed to the method by path-length.
it works.
now my first class has 3 method, their path-length are different, if I need more GET-link with path params I need to add path length so that it can be routed.
it is unreasonable.
do you have some good suggestions for me ?
I am sorry for my Poor English, I had try my best to describe my problems.
need your help
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