Missing hostname in validation email
Opened this issue · 3 comments
This is part of validation email
Click the following link in order to activate your account: activate.php?code=StH1kgcUe3 Greetings, TravianX
the hostname in activation link is missing.
See https://github.com/lini/Travianx/commit/356e069f5091fd1b0f94e9ac38459a6d7c574d1f#diff-12
in line 30
the domain input field is removed,
but the value is used by Mailer.php line 30
I am not sure the way to fix, add the domain back or fix Mailer.php ?
I have the follow line adapted in GameEngine/config.php
Server must be the same as Homepage
and than it works fine
define("DOMAIN", "");
define("HOMEPAGE", "http://??????/travx100/");
define("SERVER", "http://???????/travx100/");
Yes, install script should be fixed.
change line 239 define ("SERVER", "% DOMAIN%"); in define ("SERVER", "% HOMEPAGE%");
of install/data/constant_format.tpl
and it has fixed