
PHPStan reports incorrect "not covariant" for Aedart\Streams\Stream::__debugInfo()

aedart opened this issue · 1 comments


When running PHPStan, the following error is returned:

 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Line   packages/Streams/src/Stream.php                                                                                          
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  905    Return type array|null of method Aedart\Streams\Stream::__debugInfo() is not covariant
         with return type array of method Aedart\Contracts\Streams\Stream::__debugInfo().                                                                          
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

I have tried to reproduce this error in a pure class, but something else is messing up PHPStan.

Version & Environment

PHPStan version: 1.10.16

Steps to reproduce

Run composer run analyse

Expected behaviour

No errors...

Possible solution

If the array return type is removed from the interface, PHPStan does not fail. But, that seems to be a wrong way of fixing this issue.
Furthermore, the error message cannot be ignored using ignoreErrors.

For now, the entire file should just be ignored, until a newer version of PHPStan is released. If the error continues to persist, then a different solution must be found.

PHPStan released a patch that seems to have fixed this issue. Changed the min. required version of PHPStan...