
Local Play

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Besides the fact that you need to switch windows because you share the arrow keys... making local play impossible..
And even if you had different keys I think pygame needs to be in focus so you'd still have to switch windows...

The best is the space bar sometimes work for both clients.. but you never know when it's gonna happen, or why.
Switching window focus back and forth a few times fixes it.

I've got 3 exams and a 100% final project due this week, and two more exams the week after: hence why I've been so easily distracted from studying. But I'll stop bugging you with issues.

Local play clearly requires a lot of work, and the original version did an awesome job at it so there isn't much need, but an all in one package would be nice. I'd like to help.

In my investigating of implementing a local play option, I decided to refresh and check out the original tunneler and the SDL tunneler.

The good news:
I came across this DosBox based app for mac: (

The bad news:
Local play won't be coming any time soon.