XieRW opened this issue · 5 comments
when I use command :
helm install foo kvaps/kubernetes --version 0.13.3 --namespace foo --create-namespace --set persistence.storageClassName=local-path
It return this:
WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is insecure. Location: /home/xrw/.kube/config
WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is world-readable. This is insecure. Location: /home/xrw/.kube/config
W0224 17:14:07.219758 293805 warnings.go:70] batch/v1beta1 CronJob is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+; use batch/v1 CronJob
W0224 17:14:07.282543 293805 warnings.go:70] batch/v1beta1 CronJob is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+; use batch/v1 CronJob
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": failed to call webhook: Post "https://cert-manager-webhook.cert-manager.svc:443/mutate?timeout=10s": dial tcp i/o timeout
what shouid i do?
Hi, this was fixed by #11 but didn't get into release.
I just released the new verion, please try 0.13.4
I change the command as you say ,but it tured:
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: failed to download "kvaps/kubernetes" at version "0.13.4"
I have solved the problem.
helm repo update
helm install foo kvaps/kubernetes --version 0.13.4 --namespace foo --create-namespace --set persistence.storageClassName=local-path
Hi, this was fixed by #11 but didn't get into release.
I just released the new verion, please try
another question:
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": failed to call webhook: Post "https://cert-manager-webhook.cert-manager.svc:443/mutate?timeout=10s": context deadline exceeded
Something wrong with your cert-manager. Try inspecting pods in cert-manager namespace:
kubectl get pod -n cert-manager
and webhooks itself:
kubectl get mutatingwebhookconfigurations
kubectl get validatingwebhookconfigurations