
401 Unauthorized when trying to get Client (credentials work / have worked for ~~10 months with rets-client)

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I am facing a 401 Unauthorized when trying to migrate my existing RETS client implementation to your package (I currently use Using the same credentials that work with that package, I get an Auth error - do you have any suggestions for what I may be missing? I noticed that package uses RETS 1.7.x and a different node engine, but I tried to bring your code down locally and change those values and got the same auth failure.

Thanks for any tips you might have!

loginUrl =

const retsConfig: IRetsClientOptions = {
    username: clientSettings.username,
    password: clientSettings.password,
    url: loginUrl,
    format: RetsFormat.CompactDecoded,

try {
    console.log("Fetching Latest CRMLS Properties");
    await getClient(retsConfig, async ({ search }) => {
        console.log('connected!') // never reaches this log
} catch (error) {

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