
Installer script fails on docker out of space error when using docker v18.0.3

Closed this issue · 7 comments


Install fails on this step with a docker out of space issue. Abundant space on local machine, and seems this is error is related to space on the openshift origin container.

Running script with -vvv flag for ansible-playbook command, and also checking docker daemon logs points to an out of space error. Sufficient space on local machine as mentioned (& confirmed with df -h and df -i).

After script fails, oc cluster is inaccessible, and accessing the web console errors out with a 502.

No longer have docker 18.0.3 installed (rolled back to docker version 17.12.0, which runs ok with installer script, no errors). Will try add further info in a gist when I re-install 18.0.3 to replicate issue again.


Operating system: Fedora 26
OpenShift versions: 3.9
Docker version: 18.0.3

Steps to reproduce

  • Run script, and watch it fail at above stage

Hi @damienomurchu,

Just to share. I could not reproduce this issue in the Mac OS X with docker version 18.0.3 as follows. Also, if you search for this kind of issue, see here for example, shows something more related to the install/setup of the current docker than an issue in a specific version. Probably, if you just re-install the version used when the issue was faced and/or try fixed as described in this link instead of installing another version it could be solved too.

cmacedo@camilas-MBP ~/mobile-core (LAYOUT) $ docker version
 Version:	18.03.0-ce
 API version:	1.37
 Go version:	go1.9.4
 Git commit:	0520e24
 Built:	Wed Mar 21 23:06:22 2018
 OS/Arch:	darwin/amd64
 Experimental:	false
 Orchestrator:	swarm

  Version:	18.03.0-ce
  API version:	1.37 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:	go1.9.4
  Git commit:	0520e24
  Built:	Wed Mar 21 23:14:32 2018
  OS/Arch:	linux/amd64
  Experimental:	true
cmacedo@camilas-MBP ~/mob

@camilamacedo86 Good to know this issue is not present with 18.03 on OSX.

As per OpenShift documentation only v1.13 of docker is supported for OpenShift 3.9

Hi @damienomurchu,

It the doc is "This command was released with the 1.3+ version of oc client tools, so you must be using version 1.3+ or newer for this command to work", which means that the min required version is 1.3, but not that only this version is supported at least for the oc tool which will be used by the installer.

Is make sense to you the previous explanation about the issue described here and that it is more related to the docker and its setup/configuration? Could you check the link added? Is it make sense to you? Shows that we can close this one, what do you think?

@camilamacedo86 This command was released with the 1.3+ version of oc client tools, so you must be using version 1.3+ or newer for this command to work - this just means the oc cluster up & oc cluster down commands are available from 1.3 onwards.

The only version of docker officially supported by OpenShift for OC 3.9 is docker v1.13 as per link

@damienomurchu could you check the following..

"if you search for this kind of issue, see here for example, shows something more related to the install/setup of the current docker than an issue in a specific version. Probably, if you just re-install the version used when the issue was faced and/or try fixed as described in this link instead of installing another version it could be solved too. "

How do you think it should be solved? Are you suggesting here that the installer should not allow use version upper 1.3 ? Should it solve this scenario? What do you think?

Hi @damienomurchu,

Could you check the above explanations for this error? Could we agree that it is not an issue in the installer and it is an error that you faced regards the local setup of docker? (PS. I could install it with upper versions of docker and all worked ok) Could we close this one?

If you disagree then could you please re-try to use the version of docker of this PR and check if it will or not work? Also, could you tell us what would like that was done here in this scenario?

Closing this issue, as per previous comment, oc versions > 1.13 are not officially supported by OpenShift yet.