
VNC/Logs disconnect/reconnect every few seconds

aluitink opened this issue · 3 comments

I've set up a 3 node cluster and I'm trying to use ggr-ui to aggregate the VNC/Logs into a single Selenoid-UI.

The individual Selenoid-UI instances work great, but if I try to view the aggregate view, the VNC/Logs are connected/reconnected over and over again.

Seeing Connection closed (code: 1000) on the WS session in Dev tools and remote Selenoid logs show connect/disconnect of VNC/Log sessions.

@aluitink what's inside GGR UI logs?

Just these lines cycling over and over.

[WEBSOCKET] [New connection] []
[WEBSOCKET] [Starting websocket session to ws://] []
[WEBSOCKET] [Client disconnected: ws://] []
[WEBSOCKET] [Closed websocket session to ws://] []
[WEBSOCKET] [New connection] []
[WEBSOCKET] [Starting websocket session to ws://] []
[WEBSOCKET] [Client disconnected: ws://] []
[WEBSOCKET] [Closed websocket session to ws://] []
[WEBSOCKET] [New connection] []
[WEBSOCKET] [Starting websocket session to ws://] []
[WEBSOCKET] [Client disconnected: ws://] []
[WEBSOCKET] [Closed websocket session to ws://] []

@aluitink that's confirmed to be a bug and will be fixed in next release.