
Unable to upload data as a list of uuid's(not stringified)

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I am trying to upload data from a tsv file, and data in one field/bin is a list of uuid's, but it is not getting uploaded due to (Failed to parse JSON: Unexpected token VALUE(0) at position 1. ) error.

config file
"version" : "2.0",
"dsv_config": { "delimiter": "\t" , "n_columns_datafile": 2, "header_exist": false},

"mappings": [
"key": {"column_position":1, "type": "string"},
"set": "User-Segment-Mapping-CITY"

      "bin_list": [
        {"name": "id",
         "value": { "column_position":1, "type" : "string"}
        {"name": "segments",
         "value": { "column_position":2, "type" : "json"}


data(tsv file)

ac32cdc5-2be8-40a4-a0ac-dca9ea4244c5 {00b10ef8-96ff-48cd-ad4d-1c0e3c37cc1b,04e36546-8a61-4c0e-b38e-7db8304792de}