
Groovy WinRM client library

Primary LanguageGroovyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0




The groovy-winrm-client is a Groovy-based library for executing commands on a remote (Windows) servers through WinRM. The library allows:

  • connecting,
  • executing remote command,
  • reading output of the execution,
  • stopping remote command,
  • deleting opened shell on a remote host.

Using groovy-winrm-client in Groovy scripts

The easiest way to use groovy-winrm-client in a Groovy script is by importing the dependency using Grape.

import com.aestasit.infrastructure.winrm.client.WinRMClient

The entry point is the WinRMClient class. By default WinRMClient uses HTTP protocol with 5985 port for connecting with remote host by WinRM. For starting it is necessary to define host name, user and password used to connect to the remote host:

WinRMClient client = new WinRMClient(host: 'hostname', user: 'user', password: 'pwd')

To use the WinRMClient via HTTPS we need to set corresponding protocol and port.

WinRMClient client = new WinRMClient(protocol: 'https', host: 'hostname', port: 5986, user: 'user', password: 'pwd')

HTTPS usage required defining trust strategy and verification strategy of the client. By default trust strategy for WinRMClient is set to TrustStrategy.ALLOW_SELF_SIGNED and verification strategy is set to HostStrategy.ALLOW_ALL. There are also other options available in WinRMClient for trust strategy TrustStrategy.ALLOW_NONE and TrustStrategy.ALLOW_ALL; and for verification strategy HostStrategy.ALLOW_STRICT, HostStrategy.ALLOW_BROWSER_COMPATIBLE.

requestTimeout parameter is important for slow connections. The value defines time within which WinRM request has to be finished. By default this value is set to 60 seconds. If a WinRM request cannot be executed within this time period an error occurred and WinRM request processing is terminated with the corresponding message.

After WinRMClient object is created it is necessary to open shell on a remote host where commands will be executed:


After shell is open remote commands are executed

String commandId = client.executeCommand('C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe', ['/C', 'del /q/f/s %TEMP%\*] as String[])

executeCommand method returns command id which is used to receive the results of the command execution

CommandOutput  output = client.commandExecuteResults(commandId)
  println exitStatus
  println output
  println errorOutput

CommandOutput contains

  • exitStatus to indicate the results of the invocation of a remote command, in case of succesful finishing the return value is 0
  • output standard output of the command execution
  • errorOutput error details of command execution
  • exception object contains exceptions occurres during command execution processing on client side

Sometimes command execution requires long time period. When the command is being executed commandExecuteResults() returns output with exitCode = -1 and errorOutput='Remote command is still running!. In this case it is necessary to monitor the execution of the remote command in a loop with the simultaneous accumulation of output results. This may be done in a separate thread:

def completeExecOutput = new CommandOutput(-1,'','')
Thread thread = new Thread() {
  void run() {
    for (; !isInterrupted();) {
      def currentOutput = client.commandExecuteResults(commandId)

        exitStatus = currentOutput.exitStatus
        output += currentOutput.output
        errorOutput = currentOutput.errorOutput
        exception = currentOutput.exception

      if (!completeExecOutput.commandRunning) {

To check if the remote command is still running there is a convinient method in CommandOutput class boolean isCommandRunning() which is calculated based on the output results recieved from the remote host. In the described scenario an endless loop may occur and therefore it is necessary to take care about the shell live timeout:

try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {

When such interruption occurrs or it is needed to finish command execution unexpectedly for some other reason we invoke


Several remote commands may be executed within one open remote shell one by one. After all commands are executed the shell on the remote host has to be closed to release all used resources


Running groovy-winrm-client integration tests

Project's integration tests can be found in the ./src/integrationTest/ folder. To run the integration tests:

  1. Create base box using groowin-test-box project. After finishing you will have windows_2008_r2_virtualbox.box
  2. Add 'aestasit/2008r2' box using the command vagrant box add --name aestasit/2008r2 windows_2008_r2_virtualbox.box
  3. Execute vagrant up using the ./Vagrantfile file
  4. execute gradle integration command to run integration tests

See also

How to configure the WinRM host to enable communication through the HTTPS protocol