
Suggestion: Add example pictures for testing

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I've tried to test the application using some pictures with GPS latitudes embedded in the EXIF data, but it doesn't work. Could you add some examples to make it easier to test the application?

This was the image I used.

Hi, sorry for the abscence, I haven't been working on the project as of late (and used GitHub either), but I've been planning a full re-write in another programming language, and I've taken your suggestion into consideration, the examples will be provided separately so that users don't need to download them with the program and can try if they wish.

I've tested the picture you sent with version 1.3.1 and all 5 currently available criteria have values associated with the coordinates on your picture, might I ask which OS were you using the program on at the time? I got to test GeoPicSorter on Linux some time ago and noticed there's a bug with the way paths are dealt with, that might be why you couldn't get location information from your picture showing up on the report (after the sorting process finishes).

GeoPicSorter also needs to be restarted to work with another directory, because the lock on the database that stores the location data isn't released until the program is closed (resulting in a crash every time this happens), requiring you to close and open the program every time you want to sort pictures. I plan to take care of this on the re-write as well.

Otherwise I'm afraid I'm not sure what might be the problem, but I'll test your picture with the re-write, thanks for your interest.