Allowing Richer Character Set in Spec String
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I am running into an issue with using Google's Static Maps API. I'm trying to put a long URL into the src of an img tag. This url contains equal signs and screws up JSnoX parsing. Here is an example URL:,CA&zoom=10&size=400x400
The JSnoX code inside of the React render function should look like this:
assuming d is my JSnoX wrapper.
When rendered into html it looks like this (no recognized src tag):
<img class="className" data-reactid=".0.$div=1main.$div=1details-box.$div=1map.$img[src=0https=2//maps=1googleapis=1com/maps/api/staticmap?center=0San+Francisco,CA&zoom=010&size=0400x400]">
instead of the expected (with src tag):
<img src=",CA&zoom=10&size=400x400" class="className" data-reactid=".0.$div=1main.$div=1details-box.$div=1map.$img[src=0https=2//maps=1googleapis=1com/maps/api/staticmap?center=0San+Francisco,CA&zoom=010&size=0400x400]">
This is apparently due to the use of multiple equal signs in the URL.
Hi, good find! Should be able to fix this by updating the propsRegex
and attrsRegex
. I took a quick (unsuccessful) stab at it just now but hopefully will be able to sort it out tomorrow.
@maprules1000 That should do it, let me know if this still gives you problems. Can push this as v1.0.1 if you need to get a pinned version from npm.
Works great! Thanks for the quick fix!