
Remove from Lookup Rollup Summary Schedule Items when Parent is deleted

JimBTek opened this issue · 2 comments


  • Bulk load Accounts (Parent) & Invoices (Child) from API
  • Hundreds of Thousands of triggers scheduled
  • Some Accounts are mass deleted
  • Scheduled Job runs, where accounts are deleted error: "entity is deleted : ENTITY_IS_DELETED ()"
  • These Schedule Items stay in Lookup Rollup Summary Schedule Items list

Should these get removed automatically from the Lookup Rollup Summary Schedule Items list?

OR should there be a way to bulk delete them? If manually bulk delete it's hard to tell which ones you should delete vs. new ones that should be run during the next schedule.

Good catch, auto delete i would say, should be doable.... thanks for marking as enhancement.

Added in v2.4.1.